Saturday, October 20, 2012

U, V, W, X, and Y

 U for umbrella, I know it looks like a big brown flower
V for vauxwagon, das auto
W for wheelbarrow
X for this club in the city, ha, I just noticed myself mirrored in the windowhehe twice

Y is for yellow
come on guys, I only have one to go and am waiting for you


  1. you have been busy aye. theres two reflections of you I see.

  2. the umbrella is great good use of space like the reflection in the handle add a dimmision to the photo the colour is good and stands out like the use of w backed up with western australia good thinking i think if you had more it would detract from the point of w love the wheelbarrow upside remind me that the days work is finished great colour love the reflection in the nightclub plenty of interest in the photo and of course i love two of you great job i like the shades of the rose and the upside down position i was impressed with these

  3. Hi sis have had trouble downloading my pictures on blog. Went into it today and guess what it worked. And guess what I finished my alphabet. I like the way you took the photo of the umbrella, very unique. Very clever to have put yourself twice in one of your photos. If you planned it, it might not have happened aye.
