Thursday, July 25, 2013

My choice for July - food

Last of my choice for July FOOD
We have been talking about curries lately and Sharon spoke about a nice one in the Edmonds cook book.  This is my version of that recipe, I used cold cooked meat instead of raw.

I cooked in coconut oil  a variety of vegetables from the fridge (great way to use left overs) onion, carrot, celery and kumera until just cooked.  Add a couple of cups of chopped up cold meat (lamb) whatever you have in the fridge.  Add dessert spoon of vegetable powder stock and curry powder stir in and add some water to moisten.  Cook until all heated through and add tin of coconut cream.
Serve with pre cooked rice from freezer or cook your rice.
I also added fresh coriander, probably added to much coconut cream but it was sure yummy and warming in the cold weather.
Kirsty bought up a frozen large roast of lamb last week which hadn't thawed out while she was here, so  for John and I had a roast dinner, the curry which above is the left over, rissoles and on sandwiches for the week for John's lunch.  The roast that size would have been around $25 in the supermarkets so it was good value for 3 main meals and 6 lunches.
The coconut oil comes in a bottle and it is usually solid, it is quite expensive but mine lasts quite a long time.  I was recommended that the coconut milk and cream not be light as they add sugars etc to the light and that the coconut fats are good fats like advocado.