Saturday, January 21, 2012

and finally it rained

In fact it bucketed down, was like a lake out here, I rushed and got my camera and quickly looked to see if I could find sports mode, somehow got it on black and white, had another look and the colour one is sport.  When I got on my manual I found one that is hi-speed burst which is the one I think I needed as you hold your shutter button down and it takes a series of shots in which you might get a couple of great action or movement shots.  Tomorrow Kirsty, Jack and Alyssa are coming up and Jack is participating in a West Coast Eagles Football clinic so I will be ready to get some practice.  Oh yeh, I really like the black and white one its kinda moody aye?  And the rain was so good nearly chucked off and ran outside, I said nearly!!!!


  1. this looks lovely in dark colors black and white looks like its out of a magazine

  2. Love the black and white one, its amazing that the color one looks a lot larger in area, does that make sense?
