Sunday, July 1, 2012

Collie in Winter

Lyssie and I escaped from the painting for 30 mins down around Collie to take some winter photo's, I love encouraging and guiding the kids in photography, they have no preconceptions and take some great photo's, it was raining the whole time I took these photo's

all the way down to Collie there was evidence of the storm a few weeks ago, large trees broken off at the trunks, others uprooted, branches down everywhere, they copped it worse than we did.  On the left hand side half way is a small tree broken at the trunk.

the acacia trees are just about to break out in flower


  1. very kirsty lyssie has grown last thinking 5 or 6 love acacia don't you

  2. Yes I love acacia too, I think in winter when things are mostly grey and gloomy the yellow of the acacia brightens the world.

  3. Beautiful greens shots. I like the ones of Lyssie and I like the one of the branches over the river. Shows the red of the branches.
