Thursday, April 12, 2012


The two above where taken while we sat and had coffee, the sun was very strong and caste beautiful shadows.

this one was taken from higher up, I love how it is looking through the grasses

 Kirsty and I walked around to the beach where we could see the sun going down over the ocean, these photo's where over about 20 minutes and I lay on the sand to get down low, I love the way the sun castes a beam of light over the water.

and this very last one was just a second before my battery went flat and that was it for the weekend as I didn't take my battery charger.  I have some on my Minolta SLR that I took of the kids and Pete took us up the canals in his boat, and I got a lot of nice ones there, and would you believe lots of number 5's for 5 knots, grrrh.  Am off to New Norcia on Sunday and will try to send you some of the photo's I take there if I can get the internet, if not will post when I get back.  Have a good weekend.  I am excited .................


  1. gosh these came out great Jacky. Love the second one.

  2. opps I meant the 3rd one, all great.

  3. I particularly like that one too, like seeing through the rushes. I am learning more of my different settings on my point and shoot.

  4. Great colours and textures sis. The man asleep was nice random shot. Enjoy your photography workshop.

  5. loved the man asleep and all the beach ones shows the difference the time makes havent tried the ground shot next on list great shots i thought they had great depth if thats what they mean when your eye travels from front to back of photo each time i look i see another layer
