Tuesday, March 6, 2012

colour orange

I went into the city today and took my camera with me,  Now they aren't the best of shots.  I found I was cheating by putting photo's on the challenge of photo's I had already taken in the past, so no more, I am not learning anything. I am going to put ones on that I think I could do better, why and how.  I would like feedback now we have got rid of those pesky notification words.
When I chose the colour orange I thought it would be a real challenge, not so, have you seen the winter fashion. orange, and such beautiful shades of orange, burnt orange, red orange and such rich colours, I love them, not a colour I could wear, but its going to be a bright winter, and about time.                                       The 1st photo I took in a hurry and I loved the two beautiful shirts next to each other, I think if I had taken it on a different angle and cut out most of the background, it was just after 12, lunchtime, and absolutely crowded in this little new shop arcade and I felt self conscious at taking the photo, got to get over that.
The same with the second one, I think I think it is a better grouping but still not good background.  I could crop to get what I want but that would defeat the purpose of becoming a better photographer.  Now the last one is much better, patterns are sharp and clear, deserted alleyway, you will know it Phil, so I felt more comfortable.  I did see a shop with the most amazing teapots and cups and saucers inside their shop, I did go in and ask if I could take a photo, but they had a policy of no photographs and that's ok.

1 comment:

  1. These shots look great sis. They are very clear and taken from good angles. Look very professional.
