Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Phil's January 2013 choices

 BROKEN peices end up as garden ornaments



Paddy's Jan 2013 Choices

 SIMPLICITY a simple way to display photo's, saw this somewhere, an idea for you Paddy with your lovely typewriter
 NATURE the mother bird abondoned this nest after a cat clawed its way up to the nest
 FLOWER stephonotis a beautiful waxy white flower that is lovely for wedding bouquets unfortunately it was not in flower when Jess got married.  It has a beautiful perfume too.
STARTING WITH THE LETTER A agapanthus, only one left in flower

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Sharons Action, fun, holiday and countryside

 Dont you just love these little three year olds in their bathers and floaties to keep them safe, absolutely fearless.  these photo's are for action, fun and holiday.  Taken in Collie on Christmas day at Petes brothers house.  Lots of fun and action in the pool.

this water feature is new in the city, this particular day it was quiet, but when I last went in there where  little kids running through it and have tremendous fun, great for our hot weather.  Only thing is, mums would have to cart the kids around the shops in wet clothes, I don't suppose they would mind too much.
                                                   Countryside, just outside Collie